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Eye to the Center: Watercolor Workshop

Eye to the Center: Watercolor Workshop - 442593

This workshop demonstrates the importance of a design goal that leads us to the center of interest. Value, rhythm, and color are among the elements we use to engage the viewer into the painting and experience the total concept and feeling. Vivian demonstrates with a fluid watercolor approach and stroke. Bring a reference that engages you personally. How can we interpret your feelings? Vivian provides personal attention and helpful group critique. Experience a different approach to reaching your watercolor goal! Some watercolor experience is helpful. One-hour lunch break. A supply list is included within your PDF receipt emailed immediately following registration (double-check your email address is correct at registration).
1 Sections
Select Activity # Availability Description Dates Times Days Ages Location Price RES/NR Column #11
Unavailable 442593-A Unavailable Eye to the Center: Watercolor Workshop 05/04/2024 -05/04/2024 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Sa 18-99 Senior Center Bldg 1