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Let's Slow Fast Fashion

Let's Slow Fast Fashion - 443028

In this 2-hour session, we explore strategic approaches to slow fast fashion, emphasizing its long-term effects on our children’s future and the environment. Engage with thought-provoking discussions on the ripple effects of consumer choices and learn how leadership in sustainability can inspire generational change. Discover actionable steps to promote sustainable fashion practices within the community, from supporting local artisans to the best places to thrift shop and donate in UA. Educate yourself to lead by example, ensuring a healthier planet for the next generation.
1 Sections
Select Activity # Availability Description Dates Times Days Ages Location Price RES/NR Column #11
Add To Selection List 443028-A Available Let's Slow Fast Fashion 10/05/2024 -10/05/2024 9:00 am -11:00 am Sa Municipal Services Center $22.00/$26.00