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Meditation: The Mind-Body Connection

Meditation: The Mind-Body Connection - 443373

Saturday, Oct 5th: Mindfulness Approach to Self-Inquiry
Saturday, Oct 19th: Sound Bathing and Meditative Listening
Saturday, Nov 2nd: Forgiveness and Gratitude
Contemplative practices are among the inner tools available to anyone who seeks an increased sense of balance and well-being. Each class combines neuroscience with topics concerning meditation and its practical uses. Nelson Carson, meditator and teacher, engages participants of all levels. Classes consist of dialogue, meditative activities and light stretching. Opportunities abound to learn about yourself and others or to even shed tears and laughter.
1 Sections
Select Activity # Availability Description Dates Times Days Ages Location Price RES/NR Column #11
Add To Selection List 443373-C Available Meditation: The Mind-Body Connection 11/02/2024 -11/02/2024 11:00 am -11:45 am Sa 18-99 Senior Center Bldg 3 $11.00/$14.00