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FUNdamentals of Watercolor

FUNdamentals of Watercolor - 443439

Kevin Buckland
This is a fun and essential approach to watercolor painting for any artist, beginner thru advanced, wishing to improve their paintings. Work at your own pace and skill level. No paint along with the instructor as in traditional art classes. Each artist selects their own photographic reference to work from; a subject with meaning and specific interest to them. Positive critiques and painting demonstrations provided throughout the six week class. Kevin assists in offering encouragement while exploring composition, painting techniques, color mixing and more. Some experience is recommended, but all levels are welcome. A supply list is included within your pdf receipt emailed immediately following registration (double check your email address is correct at registration).
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Select Activity # Availability Description Dates Times Days Ages Location Price RES/NR Column #11
Add To Selection List 443439-B Available FUNdamentals of Watercolor 10/16/2024 -11/20/2024 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm W 18-99 Senior Center Bldg 1 $110.00/$132.00