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Christmas Bows

Christmas Bows - 553107

Have you dreamed of being able to create beautiful bows for your holiday décor and gift giving? Now is your chance to learn how! During this class you create two large red bows using two different techniques suitable for adding to a wreath or garland and one mid-sized bow that is perfect to use for decorating Christmas trees or holiday packages. The techniques that are taught break the process down step-by-step and takes into account possible aging hands and arthritic joints. All supplies and materials included.
1 Sections
Select Activity # Availability Description Dates Times Days Ages Location Price RES/NR Column #11
Unavailable 553107-A Unavailable Christmas Bows 12/12/2024 -12/12/2024 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Th 40-110 Senior Center Bldg 1