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Zumba Gold

Zumba Gold - 553308

Zumba Gold® takes the Zumba® formula and modifies the moves and pacing to suit the needs of the active older participant, as well as those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. Active older adults want camaraderie, excitement and fitness as a regular part of their weekly schedule. Zumba Gold® is the perfect fit. It is a dance-fitness class that feels friendly, and most of all, fun.
1 Sections
Select Activity # Availability Description Dates Times Days Ages Location Price RES/NR Column #11
Add To Selection List 553308-A Available Zumba Gold 09/04/2024 -10/02/2024 10:15 am -11:00 am W 50-110 Senior Center Bldg 2 $50.00/$50.00