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Great Portrait Painters and Their Subjects

Great Portrait Painters and Their Subjects - 553510

Embark on a journey through art history and delve into the lives and works of renowned artists from Europe and the U.S., spanning the 15th to 19th centuries. Each session focuses on a different theme exploring portraits of aristocrats, politicians, warriors, adventurers, writers and artists. Immerse yourself in the stories behind these masterpieces, gaining a deeper appreciation for the art of portraiture.
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Select Activity # Availability Description Dates Times Days Ages Location Price RES/NR Column #11
Add To Selection List 553510-A Available Great Portrait Painters and Their Subjects 11/01/2024 -11/22/2024 11:30 am -12:30 pm F 40-110 Senior Center Bldg 1 $20.00/$20.00