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The Art & Science of Successful Aging

The Art & Science of Successful Aging - 553507

In this course we examine scientific research and clinical insights about successful aging. Our focus is on living longer and on how aging transforms our minds, personalities and social relations. We explore ways to optimize personal growth and development in order to approach aging with confidence and even optimism. The course includes student-teacher interactions and class discussions.
Sep 5 - Longevity: Living longer and wiser
Sep 12 - Brain development: The growth of older minds
Sep 19 - Personality development: Becoming who we really are
Sep 26 - Social relations: The importance of family and friends
1 Sections
Select Activity # Availability Description Dates Times Days Ages Location Price RES/NR Column #11
Add To Selection List 553507-D Available The Art & Science of Successful Aging - Social relations: The importance of family and friends 09/26/2024 -09/26/2024 10:00 am -12:00 pm Th 40-110 Senior Center Bldg 1 $10.00/$10.00