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The Secret Weapon For Fighting Frailty: Strength Training for Older Adults!

The Secret Weapon For Fighting Frailty: Strength Training for Older Adults! - 553402

Dr. Mandi Fetters-Vonderhaar, Physical Therapist with Affiliate Physical Therapy
Strength training is our secret weapon to prevent and treat osteoporosis, arthritis, heart and vascular disease, reduce the risk of falling, age well and extend your life. However, it can be intimidating to start and feel confident that you are being safe. In this session, you will learn the benefits of strength training and gain confidence in when and how much to lift as you age, safely. Don’t feel intimidated by strength training and learn how any exercise can be adapted to you so that you can prevent physical, social and mental frailty! Wear clothes and shoes you can move in, as we will introduce strength training adaptable for all levels during this session.
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Add To Selection List 553402-A Available The Secret Weapon For Fighting Frailty: Strength Training for Older Adults! 10/02/2024 -10/02/2024 9:00 am -10:00 am W 40-110 Senior Center Bldg 1 $0.00/$0.00