Household accounts must prove Upper Arlington residency for all adults put into the account to be coded as a resident. To prove residency you must provide a drivers license or other government issued ID with current address. If ID does not have your most current address, a recent utility bill with work. Proof can be submitted via uploading of a document through your online login or in person at the MSC (3600 Tremont Rd), the UA Senior Center (1945 Ridgeview Rd), Northam Tennis or any UA Aquatics Facility.

Create New Household

New Account Information

Household Primary Person Information

Additional Primary Person Information

Household Questions

Additional Family Member

Emergency Contacts

Each person in your account must live at your household. If adding an adult, you will also need to prove residency by providing a drivers license or other government issued ID with current address. If ID does not have your most current address, a recent utility bill with work. Proof can be submitted via uploading of a document through your online login or in person at the MSC (3600 Tremont Rd), the UA Senior Center (1945 Ridgeview Rd), Northam Tennis or any UA Aquatics Facility.